Contact information
- For questions regarding admissions to BSc and MSc Finance programmes, please email admissions [at] aalto [dot] fi. For questions regarding DSc Finance programme, please contact gsf [at] aalto [dot] fi.
- For requests of information and for all administrative affairs, please email sara.viitala [at] aalto [dot] fi.
- For telephone and email contact info of individual department members, please, visit the personal pages under People section.
Street address: 
School of Business building, 3rd floor
Ekonominaukio 1
FI-02150 Espoo
Mailing address:
Department of Finance
Aalto University School of Business
PO BOX 21210
FI-00076 AALTO
Department Administration:
Head of the department: Professor Vesa Puttonen
Secretaries of the department: Sara Viitala and Reetta Ali-Alha